Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Admissions game

If you are reading this, then you probably have at least one child already in college. Remember the application and decision-making process? Wasn't that fun? For this year's students and parents, suddenly the received wisdom has changed.

Our take is this: if you are 17 or 18 years old and you cannot keep your resume of awards and activities to one side of a single sheet of paper, well, frankly... we agree with the person quoted in that article. When do you sleep? Have you slept at all in the past four years? Had any fun? More to the point, what will happen when you get to college? Will you do the "crash-and-burn" or will you keep going at this frantic rate?

Our father was a university professor and the best piece of advice he ever gave us was this: "Enjoy these years and take advantage of the whole range of experiences that are open to you. Have some fun." And this, mind you, was when we were starting our junior year. Of high school.

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